External Sector - United States - BLS - International Price Indexes
Published byalphacastinBureau of labor statistics (BLS)
Last update 2025-02-15
Dataset Information
Data available from 1986-09-01 to 2025-01-01- Source: BLS
This dataset includes monthly International Price Indexes for Selected Transportation Services. The base year is 2000=100, except for Import Air Freight Europe (Dec. 2003=100), Export Air Freight Europe (Dec. 2006=100) and Asia (Dec. 2011=100), Inbound Air Freight Europe (Dec. 2003=100), and Outbound Air Freight Europe (Dec. 2003=100). Data may be revised within three months following its original publication by the BLS. This dataset corresponds to the information presented in Table 10 of the U....

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