Fiscal & Debt - Argentina - MECON - Debt Stats - Quarterly
Published byalphacastinMinisterio de Economía (MECON) - Argentina
Last update 2025-01-08
Dataset Information
Data available from 2007-01-01 to 2024-07-01- Source: Ministerio de Economía de Argentina
This dataset includes Argentina gross debt of the Central Administration on a quarterly basis in millions of dollars. The information is disaggregated into Gross, IFIs, Private, and Public Debt. Gross debt is computed by adding up performing gross debt (short plus mid and long-term debt), deferred payment debt, and pending for restructuring debt. IFIs are made up of both international and official organizations. Besides, the FX rate is the 'Comunicación “A” 3500' by BCRA, both end-of-period obse...

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