[LEGACY] Prices - Argentina - BCRA - Commodity Price Index (IPMP) - Daily
Published byalphacastinAlphacast Legacy
Last update 16 hours ago
Dataset Information
Data available from 2001-12-01 to 2025-03-11- Source: BCRA
This dataset includes the daily raw material price index (IPMP) measures the evolution of international prices of raw materials that represent close to 50% of Argentina exports.
The prices of agricultural commodities (corn, wheat, soybeans, soy pellets, soybean oil, barley, beef), oil (crude) and metals (gold, copper, primary aluminum and steel) are considered, weighted according to their share in total exports. The current weights are: Agricultural (84.4%): Soybeans (10.7%), Soy Pellets (27.1%), Soybean Oil (10.5%), Corn (17.3%), Wheat (7, 8%), Barley (2.3%) and Meat (8.6%) Metals (10.8%); Gold (6.8%), Copper (1.0%), Primary Aluminum (2.1%) and Steel Products (0.8%) Oil (4.8%)....

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