Martina Mas


March 2023

martinamas's insights

  • Hands-On: Calculating South America's population growth with Alphacast


    By Francisco Fernandez Read more Alphacast Highlights here South America - Demographics Alphacast allows you to unlock the details of South America's demographics with ease. Uncover essential data and showcase trends through captivating charts, including insights into the region's most populous countries and those experiencing rapid population growth.. Data is from World Bank. But that's not all. The World Bank data only shows you how population growth evolved in Latin America and the Caribbean as a whole. But not specifically in South America. That's not a problem because with Alphacast you can compile the data in a few steps by building South America's population growth. Let's calculate South America's population growth with Alphacast Step 1: Our starting point is Demographics - Global - World Bank - Demographics. Up to here, just press on Select columns and choose South American countries and the variables "Population, total" and "Population growth (annual %). Finally use the Transform Data option, that will direct you to create a pipeline. Countries: Variables: Step 2: For the following calculations, it is necessary that each column represents a different country, so the Long to Wide option should be used. In the entity to convert just select "Country" and...

  • Monitoring the Dynamics of Global Energy Production with Alphacast


    By Martina Mas( Read more Alphacast Highlights here We are happy to introduce two new data sources to explore global energy trends. The first one is the Energy Institute which plays a privoral role in collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing extensive data related to the energy sector. With a focus on global insights, Energy Institute's datasets covers 154 countries. These resources grant access to crucial data on energy consumption and generation, carbon emissions, energy prices, and various other energy-related metrics. Secondly, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the independent agency of the U.S. Department of Energy. Multicountry Data Integration In this segment, we are introducing our dataset of Electricity Generation which collects yearly data in Tera-watts per hour (TWh) for electricity generation from coal, natural gas, oil, fuel, and other significant sources. Given the wealth of available information, the following analysis of global energy generation involves utilizing the Filter Entity option to identify the five leading countries based on their respective contributions to the production of each energy type. As perceived, in Alphacast, you gain flexibility to create a diverse range of charts, including line charts, scatter plots, and stacked charts. Among these options, stacked bar charts are particularly valuable as...

  • Tracking Mexico's Diverse Bond Market with Alphacast


    By Martina Mas( Read more Alphacast Highlights here Multiplicity of Mexican bonds, such as UDIBONOS, Bonos G, CETES and Bonos D represent a crucial source of funding for the Mexican government's operations and provide an investment option that supports the country's economic growth while generating investment returns In order to that, the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) plays a privoral role in collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing extensive data related to the diverse range of government securities held by different entities in the economy. Let us take a closer look at each of these instruments and the available information to analyze the bond´s market in Mexico. Fixed-Income Securities Bondes D, also known as Development Bonds of the Federal Government, are medium-term fixed-rate bonds issued by the government to finance development projects and social works in the country. All these instrument are issued in the Mexican market but denominated in US dollars. Here our dataset Markets - Mexico - Banxico - Bondes D collects daily nominal stock data in millions of pesos. Stock values for different categories are provided like residents, banking sectors, investment funds, insurance and surety companies, and others. Also information is available for the last month and year, and there...

  • Tracking Key Indicators of Private Debt in Mexico with Alphacast


    By Martina Mas( Read more Alphacast Highlights here Short-term private debt instruments play an essential role in the Mexican financial system, providing liquidity to the economy and serving as a tool for short-term financing. Having up-to-date information every week not only keeps you informed about the current status of short-term instruments, but also enables you to generate your own data in the form of graphs, dashboards or insights as the ones that will be showed next. Our dataset Short-Term Private Debt Instruments contains weekly information of those Banxico's indicators and displays the two instruments we can find within it: commercial papers and private certificates. The first one refers to unsecured, short-term debt issued by corporations to fund their day-to-day operations. On the other hand, private certificates are short-term debt securities issued by private financial institutions traded in money markets. With Alphacast, you collect and organize valuable numbers about the Mexican financial market. For example, it is possible to track the volume of new issuances of commercial paper with weekly indicators, as well as monitor the total amount of outstanding debt in the market with the outstanding stock indicators. Total Short Term Indicators The initial step to delve into Mexico's financials...

  • Argentina's implicit inflation is skyrocketing


    By Martina Mas( Learn how to calculate Implicit inflation Rates here In Argentina, implicit inflation rates in the capital markets plays a key role in understanding the country's price dynamics. Given Argentina's history of elevated inflation, economic volatility and current absence of a well-established economic policy plan, monitoring implicit inflation rates has become critical. Implicit Inflation in Bonds The average implied inflation rate up to 2026 has been rising steeply since last January. Based on our IAMC dataset, all these rates represent the average inflation expected from the current date until the maturity of the bond. For the current year, the estimated monthly rates range between 6% and 8%. Looking ahead to 2026, projections suggest a slightly narrower range of 4% to 7%. On the other hand, the annual implicit inflation rate for 2023 exceeds triple digits, even surpassing 150% annually. This number represents the highest figure in 32 years, surpassing the record of 1991 when inflation (measuring by the CPI) had reached 84%. Even more, the last time Argentina surpassed triple-digit annual inflation was in October 1991 when it registered a rate of 102%. Providing an optimistic outlook, anual indicators for 2026 range between 70% and 100%, suggesting a...

  • Exploring Mexico's Yield Curves with Alphacast


    By Martina Mas( Access Global Yield Curves data here In the fast-paced realm of finance, knowledge is power. And when it comes to navigating the intricate world of yield curves, having accurate and timely information is paramount such. Our dataset provides an extensive analysis of yield curves across multiple countries, encompassing a wide range of maturities. With this information at your fingertips, you can gain valuable insights and create visual information that can help you understand the global economic outlook. Let's see World Data In AlphaCast, users have the flexibility to either create custom variables for analyzing global data or directly utilize the variables as they come within the dataset. You can add such as many variables as you need. We suggest you to give a quick read to how to calculate variables and a full list of all fuctions. Here's a sneak peek of an idea: you can visualize the spread of each country versus the United States for 10-year yield curves. The variable spread refers to the gap or difference between the yields of the government bonds of Mexico and the United States, typically measured in basis points. Related to the mencionated before, on the left you can...

  • Hands-On: Calculating Implicit Inflation with Alphacast


    By Martina Mas( Read more Alphacast Highlights here Are you intrigued by the compelling world of capital markets? Alphacast provides a comprehensive collection of financial data which includes bond and treasury bill information, allowing users to analyze market trends and estimate the expected inflation rate. To begin to calculate the implicit inflation rate of any of those instruments, several key elements are necessary. First and foremost, access to reliable and friendly-user financial datasets, such as those provided by Alphacast. Our datasets includes essencial lnformation about bond yields, treasury bill rates, internal rates of return and other relevant market indicators. Let's start this process. How to determinate implicit rates in Bonds Our starting point is determinated at Financial - Argentina - IAMC - Fixed Income Report. Up to here, just select the "TIR Anual" at variables and use the Transform Data option, that will direct you to create a pipeline. It comes the right moment to put your knowledge of financial mathematics to the trial. To proceed, you should add another step and utilize the Calculate Variable option. Calculating the implicit rate requires two elements: a fixed-rate bond and an inflation-adjusted bond (such as Argentina's CER Bonds). The following formula compares...

  • Unleash Data's Full Potential: New Generate AI Summary Button


    By Martina Mas ( Explore our Alphacast's IA Highlights here Say goodbye to endless hours wasted sifting through data and hello to lightning-fast access to the knowledge you need. In today's fast-paced world, time is of the essence. Try the new Alphacast’s buttom and experience the incredible speed and efficiency of artificial intelligence to supercharge your information search process. It’s time to improve manual searches or endless scrolling through irrelevant results. Now this advanced tool can do the heavy lifting for you, swiftly scanning through massive datasets and provide you with a concise summary of what's happening. Let's give it new function a try. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started Open your preferred web browser, then when you visit Alphacast the first thing you should do is navigate to the Explore section. Now you can explore categories or craft tailored searches with precision using our advanced search functionality. Refine your results with intuitive filters, tag such as country, frequency, spurce and more, all. Our goal is to ensure that you find precisely what you're looking for, quickly and efficiently. The next step is to utilize the search bar to find the specific information we need. In this...

  • Alphatour: Navigating Global Financial Data with Alphacast


    Prepare for our worldwide data availability! Check out all Global Datasets here. Alphacast has become a crucial tool for those seeking up-to-date and high-quality information on global economy, market fluctuations and financial trends, as it provides easy and fast access to a wide variety of large-scale data sources, allowing for precise and comprehensive analysis and metrics. Acces to financial data is of vital importance, due to this we offer a wide variety of repositories with valuable information that will be essential when our users perform analysis and metrics on various topics and sectors of economies located throughout the world. Below, you will find a list of the most reputable sources for international data. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental organization composed of 38 member countries, which primary aim is to promote economic well-being and international trade. The OECD is also responsable for collecting, analyzing and publishing information and statistics on a wide range of environmental, economic, and social worldwide issues. Financial & Monetary datasets: Finance, Monetary & Financial, Balance of Payments & International Trade The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FED) is the central bank of the United States. FRED also operates...

  • Hands On: Exploring CDS in Brazil with Alphacast


    By Martina Mas ( Find out more Alphacast Highlights here It is widely known that Credit Default Swaps (or CDS) provide a way to gauge financial stability and solvency of both companies and countries. Analyzing changes in CDS premiums can provide important indicators of market expectations. In brief, Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are financial derivate that operate similarly to insurance contract: a buyer pays a premium to a seller in exchange for protection against the security's risk of default. The data belonging to this derivative is collected in our Credit Default Swap dataset for a wide range of countries. Alphacast's auto-update functionality ensures that our subscribers will have access to the latest data. We empower them to be one step ahead of the market. Step by step First af all, in order to create a pipeline in Alphacast start by clicking the "create new" button and selecting the pipeline option. As it's shown by, it is necessary to select a repository to store it in. Aditionally, keep in mind that public repositories are allowed to be editing by anyone, while private repositories limit these kind of modifications. Also avoid including sensitive information in the name and use a consistent naming...

  • Hands On: Exploring CDS in Mexico with Alphacast


    By Martina Mas ( Find out more Alphacast Highlights here It is widely known that Credit Default Swaps (or CDS) provide a way to gauge financial stability and solvency of both companies and countries. Analyzing changes in CDS premiums can provide important indicators of market expectations. In brief, Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are financial derivate that operate similarly to insurance contract: a buyer pays a premium to a seller in exchange for protection against the security's risk of default. The data belonging to this derivative is collected in our Credit Default Swap dataset for a wide range of countries. Alphacast's auto-update functionality ensures that our subscribers will have access to the latest data. We empower them to be one step ahead of the market. Step by step First af all, in order to create a pipeline in Alphacast start by clicking the "create new" button and selecting the pipeline option. As it's shown by, it is necessary to select a repository to store it in. Aditionally, keep in mind that public repositories are allowed to be editing by anyone, while private repositories limit these kind of modifications. Also avoid including sensitive information in the name and use a consistent naming...

  • A short guide to US Inflation data


    Highlights of the Dynamic of US Inflation The United States has been struggling with a significant inflationary acceleration since the serie of international events, including the outbreak of the COVID-19, war between Ukraine and Russia, the global rise in energy prices, and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, among others. All of those factors has contributed to a complex inflation scenario, inside which companies and consumers must seek strategies to manage. Increasing prices not only reduces the purchasing power of consumers and affects their consumption patterns, but also has far-reaching implications for the real estate sector and the progression of wages Besides this context, actualized data of the topic is crucial for businesses and policymakers in better undestanding of the current economic landscape. A couple of the following sources are claimed to be fundamental in the process of monitoring the inflation issue in the United States. Take a look on this US Inflation Dashboard here The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes detailed information on inflation, particularly through the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is broken down by categories and types of goods. Access to this reliable data for your research with AlphaCast's datasets: Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index...